Pool Cleanings
Pool Cleaning Services for Dallas, Plano, Richardson, & Surrounding Areas

Pool Cleaning Service Standards
- 1. Leaf Rake the surface of the pool and spa
- 2. Leaf-master the bottom of the pool and spa (If leaves and large debris are present on pool floor)
- 3. Vacuum the bottom of the pool and spa (If no leaves and only dusty residue on pool floor)
- 4. Brush pool and spa walls, benches, and steps
- 5. Clean out skimmer baskets
- 6. Clean out the pump strainer basket
- 7. Clean out automatic cleaners leaf/dust bag (If the bag is present on the system)
- 8. Backwash filter if the application allows the procedure
- 9. Replenish the D.E. in all D.E. filters after backwashing
- 10. Test water chemistry and add required chemicals needed to maintain water balance
- 11. Check equipment for leaks and damage
- 12. Add water while on-site if necessary
- 13. Sign blue card on-site with tasks performed that day
- 14. Take pictures of the cleaned pool and submit to the office
It is the responsibility of the customer to maintain the water level in the pool. The water level should be covering half of the skimmer opening or halfway up the tile band. We can only add water to the pool during the time it takes the cleaner to clean the pool, which in the Texas summer is not enough water. If a pool runs without enough water it can cause permanent damage to the pump and other equipment.
The pool cleaners DO NOT test or fire the heaters or do any mechanical repairs that a trained repair technician is required to perform. If the pool cleaner notices any problems, they will leave a note and contact our office. We will try to contact the homeowner to get approval before dispatching a repair technician. (Except under some conditions when an immediate response is needed per our discretion). All repair calls are above the cost of a pool cleaning service.
If you have a Homeowners Warranty that covers the pool, that Warranty Company should be contacted first by the homeowner for any repairs covered by their policy. Hayden Pool Service does not do any repairs on behalf of any Homeowners Warranty.
If inclement weather is present at the time of service, we will only do what is possible at the time i.e. (clean the skimmer baskets and pump baskets, backwash filter, add chemicals). If your regular service day falls on a Holiday, we will clean the pool before or after that day.
Schedule Pool Cleaning